Gut Health Foundations Program
Discover the Foundational Steps You Can Take Today to Heal Your Gut, Reduce Bloating, Discover Food Sensitivities, and Feel Your Best!
Our comprehensive program helps you heal your gut by walking you through the following:
Learn the optimal diet for healing your digestive tract and how you can implement it today
Sample meal plans to get you started right away that will save you time and make diet changes easy
How to build a healthy gut/brain connection through practicing mindfulness around eating
The basics of digestion & microbiome anatomy & physiology and how to optimize its function
How to grocery shop to choose the healthiest, highest quality foods
How an elimination/re-challenge diet can help identify food sensitivities & how to do it
Why incorporating healthy lifestyle habits supports your best digestion
This easy to follow program teaches you through beautiful easy to follow & downloadable PDF's w/ lesson material that outline EXACTLY what you need to know to heal your gut with food & nutrition.
Welcome Video/Tour
Get Started! 1 week Meal Plan
Get Started! 1 week VEGAN Meal Plan
1.1 Digestive Health Foundations
1.2 Mindful Eating
1.3 Hydration
Module 1: Take Action
Guided Eating Meditation
Glycemic Load
Hydration Ideas/Recipes
A Healthy Plate
2.1 How Digestion Works
2.2 Meal Planning
2.3 The 80/20 Principle
Module 2: Take Action!
Chicken Bone Broth Recipe
Fermented Food Recipes
1 Week Meal Plan: Meal Prep Sunday
3.1 Food Quality
3.2 Food Reactions
3.3 Cleanses & Detoxification
Module 3: Take Action!
EWG Dirty Dozen/Clean 15 2021
Elimination/Re-challenge Diet
How-to Do a Diet Diary
4.1 Microbiome/Whole Body Connection
4.2 Healthy Sleep
4.3 Healthy Movement
4.4 Stress & Digestion
Module 4: Take Action!
Castor Oil Pack
Whole Foods Diet Guide
Cookbooks We Recommend
Herbs & Supplements for Gut Health
Why You Should Stop Trying to Figure It Out Yourself:
There are ~1 million fad diets online that aren't sustainable long-term
Some information about gut health online is straight up wrong and can majorly wreck your gut health
Trying to do it all yourself takes way too much time and energy- you need guidance & support!
Most nutrition programs neglect the comprehensive, whole body wellness strategies we teach
We recommend spending 4 weeks to complete the program from start to finish, beginning a new module each week. But you don’t have to follow any timeline. You can scan through, pick up any points that resonate with you and come back to it later when you are ready for more. Or you can approach it in any way that feels right to you, the best way is the one that works best for you.
Once you purchase the program, you’ll have access for one year. You can download the course materials anytime you want!
Slow integration of healthful living can be a great way to make sustainable changes. Since you will be able to learn at your own pace, you can take smaller steps and not make any huge changes right now.
This program is full of downloadable pdf guides and resources for many different topics of gut health. There are action plans, worksheets, recipe books, meal plans, and other resources. There is no audio or visual component to this program at this time.
If you struggle with digestive discomfort, skin issues, fatigue, chronic disease or inflammation, or have an interest in learning dietary and lifestyle practices to support optimal health and wellbeing then The Digestive Foundations program is a great place to begin. The gut does far more than just digest the food we eat. It is intimately connected to every system in the body including your hormones and immune health and imbalances in the gut can cause a wide array of symptoms that aren’t experienced in the gut like headaches, joint pain, skin conditions and more.
You're in luck! Our clinic offers concurrent treatment with a nutritionist while you work through the program for more individualized attention, and for more complex cases you can consult with one of our Naturopathic Doctors. Please reach out if you're interested in learning more!
The beauty of this program is it incorporates sustainable changes that can be carried on beyond the completion of the program. This is not a diet but rather a foundational approach to healing, health and wellbeing. We encourage you to adopt these changes and maybe they become habits. And whenever you feel like you need a reset, begin the Digestive Foundations program again. Remember, you get ongoing access to this program so you can repeat it as many times as you wish.
Naturopathic Doctor & Health Expert
Dr. Caitlin Fanning